Electronic Crash Reporting System

Mr. Mike Thomas, NCDOT-IT Application Development Manager
Phone: 919-508-1776
E-mail: methomas@ncdot.gov

Chairman Brinson introduced Mike Thomas, IT Manager and Joe Kirschner, Project Manager with the DMV who presented the Board with an overview of the Electronic Crash Reporting System. Mike stated to the Board that the DMV processes over 270,000 crash reports annually, in 2004 the DMV implemented the Traffic Records communication Service, as a no-cost method of entering and submitting crash reports electronically, as of 2009 66% of these reports are still being submitted to the DMV via paper, the paper reports are very labor and time intensive, some LEAs choose to purchase crash reporting software, but they were still mailed to the DMV on paper, the ECRS allows LEAs with crash reporting software to submit electronically to the DMV, the DMV piloted the project in February 2010, the project ended in July 2011 with 4 LEAs, ECRS was implemented at Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD, Davidson PD, Charlotte Douglas Airport and New Bern PD, with plans for Greensboro, Greenville, Wilmington and Jacksonville PDs, to date there have been just over 27,000 records submitted electronically, using the ECRS cuts down the paper process from 10 ½ days to 3 ½ days, after the initial set up with a Vendor, subsequent implementations take much less time; due to the fact that each agency has a variety of processes.

The powerpoint can be viewed here.


Mike gave the Board an update on the ECRS to include: additional rollout of Greensboro, Greenville, Thomasville, Burlington PDs, and it will soon be implemented at Wilmington and Boone PDs; a total of almost 55,000 electronic crash reports; from the date of crash it takes approximately 4.5 days to process through the system, currently the ECRS is achieving 68% of 85% goal; data is being submitted to the DOT Traffic Safety section, safety research organizations, and Federal agencies; accuracy is improved by the ability to edit at the front end eliminating the need to rekey data; some of the challenges to the rollout are: smaller agencies with limited IT resources, dependency on vendor staff, decision of some vendors to charge for the service of ECRS, limited number of DOT-IT staff dedicated to the ECRS rollout.

Updated powerpoint can be viewed here.