North Carolina Data Exchange (DEx)

Wyatt Pettengill, NC SBI
Phone: 919-662-4509

Wyatt Pettengill and Tim Parker with the SBI on the NC Data Exchange Program. Wyatt explained that this system is an aggregator for incident level data at the local level which will then be pushed up to the National Data Exchange (NDEx). This program is specific to crime data, or UCR in a NIBERS format to the National Data Exchange. This information will be able to be in real-time and flow from the SBI to the NDEx. The agency has the right to restrict the data that is sent to the SBI and therefore NDEx. The data stored in NDEx has a series of search and query tools as well as additional analytics. There will be a web-portal that is available to all agencies to check and determine if the data that the SBI received is missing information or needs clarification, but it will be left up to the agency to go and determine what has been identified as a potential problem and corrected the records from the web portal. There have been discussions with CJLEADS for Offender data and with VINE for Jail data throughout the state. The NC DOJ will collect the data and it is grant funded. The program is to be operational by Mid-2012. If you want access to NDEx your agency will need to contact your DCI trainer, the data is near real-time. In order to update some records, it would be necessary to delete the record at the SBI and then have the agency resubmit the record for inclusion.

NC DEx Presentation