Notification of Outstanding Warrants - Department of CorrectionCindy Cousins, Application Manager Cindy Cousins, Application Manager for the NC Department of Correction who presented the Board with an overview of how the notification system within OPUS is working for members of the Department of Correction to include Probation and Parole officers. Cindy presented a PowerPoint to the Board that had screenshots from the enhancements to the existing OPUS system. Cindy explained some of the enhancements to include: a searchable feature, alerts to Probation and Parole Officers, allowing for filters for case loads, having a hyperlink to the court date and current Administrative Office of the Courts information, a calendaring tool as well as a mapping tool, Prison and DMV connection with the automation in place, notifications for DOC personnel if someone in their caseload has been stopped by police, renewed their license, ect. All this is available on the smartphone, the Droid has the complete program available. Probation and Parole Officers are able to record their visits through the smartphone and the new enhancements. |