North Carolina Department of Correction Photo Project

Bob Brinson, Chief Information Officer, NC Department of Correction
Phone: 919-716-3700

Bob Brinson presented the CJIN Board with a Powerpoint that explained the project between the NC Department of Correction, the NC Department of Justice and the State of Oregon. The project consisted of creating a web service link for law enforcement to view prison and probation photos of individuals from the mobile data terminals without having to log into the DOC system. With the assistance of DOC, DOJ and Oregon DOC the conversion of the photos is now possible. This will allow for the officers to be alerted that DOC has additional information on a requested person. In addition it will also alert the Correction Officer that someone on probation or parole has been stopped by a law enforcement officer. This service is in addition to other services provided by the State message switch, such as DMV, court and criminal records. DOC responds to these requests via the CPQ message format. This capability went live over the summer of 2009 and DOC averages in excess of 22,000 daily requests and is returning information on over 4,000 individuals. Since start-up there have been over 8,500 contacts with absconders. There is still some additional clarification to be done with terminology between law enforcement and DOC, as well as improving the Correction Officer alerting, but the project is a success in it leverages those law enforcement contacts to better control supervised offenders within a community.

DOC Photo NLET presentation