NC CJIN Projects

The following projects were original initiatives that have been completed and are now in maintenance mode:
CJIN Data Sharing Standards
CJIN Data Sharing Standards had three successful pilots using the Global Justice Extensible Markup Language (XML) Data Model. XML is a multi-agency data transport tool that allows disparate systems to more easily “talk” to one another. XML appears to be emerging as a universal standard for sharing data across criminal justice information systems.
CJIN – Mobile Data Network (CJIN-MDN)
CJIN-MDN was a five-phase project that began in 1996 and concluded in 2002. Phase V completed coverage for the State’s approximate 48,000 square miles. The current focus of CJIN-MDN is on optimizing coverage, replacing aging base stations, exploring and evaluating new applications, and supporting and maintaining CJIN-MDN deployed infrastructure. Additionally, we will be exploring viable options for the next generation of Public Safety grade wireless data services. Motorola, the MDN system equipment provider, has announced “end-of-life” for all the CJIN-MDN infrastructure and subscriber equipment. A funding source for the maintenance of aging equipment and/or next generation equipment has not been identified.
CJIN Network Security
CJIN Network Security developed ‘best of industry’ strategies for firewalls, data encryption, and authentication/authorization and then deployed equipment to fulfill some of the outstanding network security needs in the State agencies.
Ecitation automates the issuing of traffic citations in North Carolina (NC). Six hundred law enforcement agencies (LEAs) issued more than one million traffic and infraction citations annually. Prior to the implementation of the Ecitation® system, NC law enforcement officers (LEOs) wrote all citations by hand. Copies of the handwritten citation were given to the recipient, delivered to the local clerk of superior court (CSC) office, and kept on file by both the LEA and CSC involved. This process could be rather cumbersome and lengthy, as it involved entering the same information multiple times in different systems. Additionally, there was a high probability of mistakes being introduced due to illegible handwriting.
End-User Technology
End User Technology has allowed the Administrative Office of the Courts to implement and upgrade the Local Architecture Network infrastructure, replace equipment, and provide an infrastructure that readies courthouses for web based applications. End User Technology has supplemented the Department of Justice’s migration to a distributed environment that is compliant with Statewide Technical Architecture and Senate Bill 222.
North Carolina Juvenile Online Information Network (NC-JOIN)
NC-JOIN established an automated statewide system to manage the business of tracking the flow of juveniles through the juvenile justice system. Current users are juvenile court counselors and administrative staff statewide. Youth Development Centers, assessment center, and detention center staff began using NC-JOIN in May 2004. Future phases will expand functionality and improve data sharing with other criminal justice agencies.
Statewide Automated Fingerprint Identification System (SAFIS)
North Carolina is making a significant financial investment to replace a critical crime-fighting tool that supports law enforcement and protects our communities. North Carolina’s Statewide Automated Fingerprint Identification System (SAFIS) is a vital law enforcement and public safety resource that serves over 500 law enforcement agencies. The equipment that backs the state’s fingerprint identification infrastructure is nearly obsolete and is being replaced. Law enforcement uses this system to pinpoint a suspect in a matter of minutes using the unique identifiers found on fingerprints left at a crime scene. During the 2007 calendar year, an average of 207 fingerprint matches per day were made based on fingerprint cards submitted due to either arrests or pre-employment screenings. In addition, over 1,500 fingerprints from crime scenes were identified through remote latent search stations that same year. Rapid turnaround time is one of SAFIS’ most important benefits. Prior to SAFIS criminal fingerprint searches could take up to 100 days, and a full year of processing time for non-law enforcement fingerprint cards was not uncommon. With SAFIS, criminal fingerprint searches can be done in two hours, and the processing of non-law enforcement fingerprint cards is now routinely completed in one week.
Statewide Magistrate System
The system is operational in ninety-eight counties. Both Buncombe and Wake Counties will come onto the NCAWARE system when it is implemented.
The following projects remain under development or are in the process of being implemented:
North Carolina Automated Warrant Repository (NCAWARE)
NCAWARE will provide an automated statewide warrant repository to maintain and track criminal processes and offender information. All North Carolina court officials and law enforcement agencies will have access to NCAWARE. NCAWARE will be initially populated by data from both the existing Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) Magistrate System and the Automated Criminal Information System (ACIS).
Voice Interoperability Plan for Emergency Responders (VIPER)
The VIPER project plan includes a two-pronged approach:
- A short-term tactical phase
- A strategic long-term statewide 800 MHz solution
The tactical approach, a short-term solution for emergency communications with portable/mobile assets, was completed in July 2005. A detailed project plan for the strategic phase, a statewide 800 MHz trunked radio system for all emergency responders and setting up mutual aid talk groups, was completed in August 2004. The first phase of the project is complete. A VIPER Legislative report was submitted on December 1, 2004 per the 2004 Legislative Session House Bill 1414 Part XVII, Section 18.4.