CJIN Information Sharing

CJIN Initiatives
The Criminal Justice Information Network Governing Board is dedicated to helping solve the challenge of information sharing in North Carolina. Numerous cities, counties and municipalities have shared with the Board the solution being used in their region or area. We also have solutions from other states and some Federal agencies. Each of these solutions is linked within this site along with contact information for each of the agencies – agency contact information is provided with every project.
Any agency that is willing to share the details of their projects can contact the CJIN Staff for either posting the information or providing the Board with a presentation or both.
Click here for recent presentations to the CJIN Board.
The information sharing Local Law Enforcement projects are listed here.
City of Durham » GangNet
Assistant Chief Steve Mihaich
Phone: (919) 560-4427
E-mail: steve.mihaich@durhamnc.gov
The presentation given by the Durham Police Department included: conceptual overview for potential statewide criminal justice information sharing including a discussion for interfacing GangNet, utilizing the I-2 Analyst Notebook and Bridge, using P to P (an OSSI product that works independent of the RMS Vendor, benefits and adverse consequences), data warehousing not required, link analysis, spider diagrams, crime view using ESRI, crystal reports, sharing of experience in Florida, and possibilities for the future.
City of Jacksonville » Wireless Technology
Earl Bunting, Director of Information Services
Phone: (910) 938-5200
E-mail: ebunting@ci.jacksonville.nc.us
Mr. Bunting provided the Board with a technical presentation including the Records Management System, the Police Department’s access to a WiFi contiguous zone for public safety, the GIS segments for patrol and police zones, the hybrid infrastructure being used for mobile communications including fiber connection between city buildings (fiber owned by the city), wireless point to point, and hot spots, EVDO Rev A, closest unit response, message switch, fiber connections to all the water towers, towers equipped with access points, the use of GPS receivers, a 48 site surveillance network, power to the access units on utility poles, involvement of the State Utility Commission and using a structural engineer, proof of concept documents, partnering with mesh units, an increase of 20% in the marine population, and the department’s vision for the future.
City of Kinston » Wireless Technology
Chief Scotty Hill, Deputy Director of Public Safety, City of Kinston
Phone: (252) 939-3139
E-mail: scotty.hill@ci.kinston.nc.us
Mr. Scotty Hill, Deputy Director of Public Safety gave a presentation regarding the 900 MHz infrastructure for their mobile data system and applications used. The presentation included the issues that the City of Kinston faced, the vision they had for full integration, the unit of the MDS iNET 900, how the unit works, the coverage area, the access points and how they were decided on, the point sites, pictures of the installation process, the upload and download speeds and future uses for this model.
Mr. Hill’s Presentation: View PDF
City of Raleigh » Wireless Technology
Officer John Maultsby
Phone: (910) 890-3467
E-mail: john.maultsby@ci.raleigh.nc.us
The City of Raleigh’s presentation included: an overview of mobile applications and technology including the broadband connections, how the City handles the rural areas, the crash application with intersection drawings, access to the intranet, numerous operating pictures, cross referencing systems – Wake jail, Wake warrants, Durham jail, Durham warrants, NC Department of Correction, AOC records for Wake County, etc. record retrievals, technology for their bicycle and horse patrol, being the recipient of the QualComm 3G award for law enforcement, and the vision of technology in the future.
City of Raleigh Wireless Presentation: View PDF
City of Wilson » Wireless and Mobile Technology
Will Aycock, Assistant Director of Information Technology Services
Phone: 252-296-3344
E-Mail: waycock@wilsonnc.org
Will Aycock provided the Board with an overview of technical solutions focused on distinct needs and the difference between mobile versus wireless including automating fire inspections using mobile devices (schedule of inspections, field data entry, printing reports in the field, 35% increase in productivity), mobile tools for emergency responders – GIS data access in the field, digital photographs, Geo-reference oblique imagery in the field, pre-incident surveys linked to geographic features, annotated floor plans accessible in the field, automated vehicle location (closest unit response), connection to CAD with silent dispatch (using time stamping), using mobile tools for conducting analysis during emergency situations with an example of a break in the gas main, mobile wireless technology for the police department using field based reporting being populated with CAD, creating standards in mobile tools being deployed in different departments, mobile platforms, software being used, diagrams of wireless infrastructure, and a summary of mobile technologies.
City of Wilson Presentation: View PDF
Inmate Medical Pilot
Dr. Mark Cervi, Dr. Gary Leonhardt, Sgt. Clinton Williams, Maj. Lawrence Whaley
Phone: (252) 227-2042
E-mail: Dr. Gary Leonhardt
After meeting with the Department of Adult Corrections staff at the North Carolina Department of Public Safety, it was agreed by both the DOC and GuardTracker personnel that a Pilot project should be the next step in the process for Inmate Medical records being transmitted from jails to prisons within North Carolina. This service is not currently being offered, so GuardTracker presented the outline of the Pilot to the CJIN Board on March 29, 2014.
Presentation: View PDF
Chairman Brinson introduced Dr. Mark Cervi and Dr. Leonhardt who provided the Board with how they automated the Pitt County Detention Center; sharing with the Board a PowerPoint on the GuardTracker Program. The PowerPoint included the following: a history of the program and of the reasons for the development of GuardTracker, Local Jail, State and Federal prison demographics, Inmate demographics/characteristics, Inmate health/behavioral issues, Fiscal impact(s), Correction Officer Profile, Arrest data, and the potential savings that GuardTracker could save the State.
Presentation: View PDF
Pitt County Detention Center » GuardTracker Program
Maj. Lawrence Whaley, Sgt. Clinton Williams, Dr. Mark Cervi, Dr. Gary Leonhardt
Phone: 252-227-2042
E-mail: Dr. Gary Leonhardt
Major Lawrence Whaley and Sgt. Clinton Williams of the Pitt County Detention Center gave a presentation to the CJIN Board. The presentation included a history of the program and why it was developed. GuardTracker tracks inmates within the Detention Center. Major Whaley and Sgt. Williams gave a demonstration of the program which included; the EXPO of GuardTracker which gives officers instant inmate information by placing symbols that are specific to the program for safety, medical, violence, diet, suicidal tendencies and others in order that at a glance officers can determine major conditions of a specific inmate as well as location and time confined, this system has allowed for a decrease in incidents, the system has the ability to track inmates medical issues and concerns to include psychiatric, the system has helped to reduce prison rapes, as well as incidents of violence between gangs inside the detention center, the system helps to prevent overcrowding, the system helps to protect the Corrections Officers, the system displays information on desktop monitors, laptops, tablets, hand-held devices and smart phones with internet access, provides health conditions and medications in encrypted format that is HIPAA compliant, allows for automated alerts of the special identifiers, allows for a proactive approach to safety and information sharing within the Detention Center, minimizes risks of errors, hospitalizations, potential deaths, and liability claims, the system is a sophisticated tool to monitor and manage offenders with real-time access to inmate data which increases the safety of correctional officers, the system saves Pitt County unnecessary emergency room visits that could be at a cost of $5,481 per visit, but the system allows for knowledge of separation of inmates with gang affiliations to remain in different parts of the Detention Center, reduces testing for medications and medical history and thus saving the county as much as $12, 732 per inmate, additionally a savings of $27,882 for an unknown seizure disorder of an inmate, additional savings of almost $21,000 for a diabetic inmate who was unable to disclose his condition, a quantified saving amount at county ($335,000), state($32-40 million) and regional level ($432 million), and several testimonials are included.
Presentation: View PDF
Town of Cary » Wireless Technology
Mr. Bill Stice, Technology Services Director
Phone: 919-469-4027
E-mail: stice@townofcary.org
Bill Stice shared with the Board his comprehensive wireless long range plans including the history of wireless in Cary since the mid 1990’s up to the current status including EVDO Rev A in laptops and PDAs, the 802.X being deployed in fire stations, the use of fiber and his deployment plans for public safety, public works, engineering inspections, and building inspections, fiber connected to 141 traffic signals, 802.X to some or all of the intersections, discussion on bandwidth issues, air cards not always working in fire stations, a discussion of in-building penetration of radio signals and the use of bi-directional amplifiers, a discussion of encryption and security, air card compatibility, the use of and coverage of public wireless carriers, and numerous upcoming decisions to be made.
Town of Coats » Wireless Technology
Town of Coats Police Chief Matthew J. Hall
Phone: (910) 897-5183
E-mail: mhall@coatsnc.org
City and County Wireless Initiatives and Information Sharing
Interoperable Mobile Communications
On January 28, 2010, the presentation by the Town of Coats included an overview of the Department, background on the Town of Coats, and an overview of the police department’s wireless communication law enforcement system including challenges with the previous system, partnership with American Law Enforcement Network, the use of digital technology and security, the inquiries into NCIC and SBI, Incident Reports, the ability to query other states, interoperability with the Harnett County Sheriff’s Office and other agencies in the region, the cost, number of components, and configuration of the system, Police Pak Software and hand held devices.
Chief Eddie Jaggers gave a presentation to the CJIN Board on the information sharing initiatives in Harnett County. Chief Jaggers introduced Lt. Kelly Fields from the Town of Coats along with Jimmy Pope, Charles Callahan and David Register from the City of Dunn. Chief Jaggers gave a presentation to the Board on the information sharing that Harnett County has in place. He explained that the Towns of Coats, Angier, the Cities of Dunn, Benson and Lillington have a mobile client from the American Law Enforcement Network, which allows these agencies to communicate through the MDT in their patrol cars. This system allows for access to each agencies RMS system, field based reports, NCIC information, DMV information, DMV and DOC photos, has the ability to broadcast information and has voice recognition. Chief Jaggers gave the Board a live demonstration of the system. Chief Jaggers requested the Board help meet the needs of the officers on the road by doing the following:
- Provide one interface for critical information
- Finding a solution to the system time-out and re-logging into it
- Auto populate eCitation and eCrash programs
- Provide the ability to check local databases simultaneously when checking state and federal data
- Have GIS-AVL technology to provide geographical awareness of responders to incidents as they unfold
- Create a standard for extracting data for information sharing
Presentation: View PDF
The information sharing projects are listed here. Please click for a summary of the project, an email link to the agency, links to any reports, handouts, power points, etc.
The information sharing Federal projects are listed here. Please click for a summary of the project, an email link to the agency, links to any reports, handouts, power points, etc.